Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Use of Tech

I never really noticed just how much I use technology until I gave myself an observation.When I wake up the first thing I do is check my phone. I reply to text messages, turn my alarm off, and check my social networks. While I get ready for school I turn my laptop on and listen to music. As I drive to school I plug my ipod in and continue listening to music. During class I try not to check my phone so often, but to no avail. I also made sure to keep track of my phone usage. In the course of one day I had checked my phone 35 times!! Although I use technology quite alot, I believe it really does not have a negative effect on me. I make sure to keep doing my school work and not procrastinate. A little break is always good in my opinion, just make sure you don't make it a priority.

Student Observation

I recently observed students from all over Arizona Western College to see just how much each student really uses technology. I started off with my human sexuality class which has roughly about fifteen students, of which about a third of them were using their phones in class. They still do it very sneaky as well, under the table or inside the backpack. I took my observation to the library after class, and the use of technology here is abundant. Kids doing homework via computer downstairs, kids listening to music upstairs, and simply just relaxing and using their phones. In my english class not alot of students use their phones during class. I did see a couple students who were checking their facebook during classthough, very sneaky as well

Monday, December 3, 2012

Student Interview

My interview was conducted on a student by the name of Bianca, a full time student at Arizona Western College. She is currently pursuing a degree in Psychiatry and hopes to transfer to the University of Arizona. Before I conducted the interview I noticed she was already using her phone and laptop. She would take brief pauses between each question to check her phone for the time and to reply to texts. I kept track of all the times she used her phone and at the end of the interview I counted a total of 15 times. The interview was pretty simple and straight forward. When asked how she thought technology helped her with everyday tasks as a college student, she replied "It just makes everything a lot easier". When asked how she thought technology harmed her as a student she replied, "well with everything being easier in the hands of technology, I feel as though that also makes you dumb, or less educated". Bianca uses technology in many different ways, from communicating with friends, to using the calculator on her phone, even for shopping and everyday relaxation. "I do feel however that in using technology everyday, it makes me a bit anti-social and lazy. I never have to leave the house for much at all". 

Is Technology Causing Me To Lose As Much As I Gain?

Technology has always had this negative image of potentially making college students less educated as the years go by. We all know the saying "too much TV will rot your brain". but will it really? I do believe TV can affect brain cognition to some certain extent, but then again I believe that only happens when you watch uneducated shows. Channels like the History Channel or Discovery Channel can have a positive effect on students wanting to gain an edge on others. Technology is everywhere in the modern world. Students can now use full graphing calculators on their phone and at less than HALF the cost of a real graphing calculator. It is also no surprise on why schools have decided to transition into typed essays rather than written. Typed is much easier and comes out quite nicer and more organized than hand written. Technology in ways of harming students, could only come from social networks. Spending countless hours on Facebook or Twitter can and does harm a students grade significantly. I would know I have done this before and trust me it is NOT WORTH IT!! We all do agree though that all these methods of technology are both harmful and useful for a college student, just as long as you use them correctly. So watch some TV if you feel you need a break from reality, just keep it educational. Go on your social media websites, just make sure to give yourself some time focus on schoolwork as well. 
Students usually have a tendency to text during class, but can also be used as a notebook.

Introduction to the world

Hello everyone, My name is Armando Leon. I am 19 years old and attend Arizona Western College. My life as a student here has been pretty hectic. I am sure if you are a college student as well you can understand how hard it is to keep track of work and other dilemmas. My goals are to one day travel the world as an EDM musician or at least help people create music for other people to enjoy. Personally Technology helps me dramatically with completing my homework and school work. I use my cell phone everyday to listen to music. Music is something that plays a big role in how well I do in my work. Aside from using my phone as my music device, I also use it when I want to take a break from homework and check my Facebook and Twitter. At home I use my laptop for homework, watching the videos on Youtube, and just your basic internet surfing. Thank you for your time in reading this and enjoy my blog!